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Setting up a tenant organization

This guide is used when setting up a new tenant. This is typically done by the NAIS team, together with the tenants administrators.

graph TD
A[Google Tenant] --> B[NAIS Folder]
B --> C[management]
B --> D[dev]
B --> E[prod]


  • Google Cloud Tenant admin
  • GitHub Organization

Required settings

Required permissions

On the user that will run the following commands, the following IAM roles are required on an organization level.

  • Owner
  • Organization Administrator
  • Folder Creator
  • Organization Policy Administrator

Create the NAIS folder

Everything related to NAIS is contained within this folder.

export NAAS_ORG_NAME=my-org # (1)
export NAAS_ORG_ID=$(gcloud organizations list --filter $NAAS_ORG_NAME | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}')

gcloud resource-manager folders create --display-name=nais --organization=$NAAS_ORG_ID
export NAAS_GOOGLE_FOLDERID=$(gcloud resource-manager folders list --organization=$NAAS_ORG_ID | grep nais | awk '{print $3}')
  1. 🙋‍♂️ Change this to the name of your Google Organization

Grant access to the NAIS team and the terraform user

To allow the NAIS team the required permissions to operate nais, IAM policies must be added to the NAIS folder.


Find correct roles for the following users:

  • nais-viewers
  • nais-admins
Copy and run this command
cat <<EOF > naas-google-org-policy.json
  "bindings": [
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/artifactregistry.admin"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/compute.admin"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/container.admin"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/dns.admin"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/logging.admin"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/resourcemanager.folderCreator"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/resourcemanager.folderIamAdmin"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator"
      "members": [
      "role": "roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageAdmin"
read -p "Enter NaaS Tenant Name [$NAAS_TENANTNAME]: " TENANTNAME && \
sed -ie "s/__TENANTNAME__/$NAAS_TENANTNAME/g" naas-google-org-policy.json && \
echo "gcloud resource-manager folders set-iam-policy $NAAS_GOOGLE_FOLDERID naas-google-org-policy.json"

Teams (part 1)

nais/teams-backend manages teams and configures groups and access in other systems.

teams needs a dedicated user account in the Google directory. This user must be manually created in the Google Admin console. The user must be granted the Groups Admin role to be able to create and maintain groups for the teams:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Add new user
  3. Enter nais-teams as first name, and user as last name
  4. Enter nais-teams as the primary email
  5. Click Add new user to add the user account
  6. Click on the created user and then on Assign roles under the Admin roles and privileges section
  7. Assign the Groups Admin role and click Save

Teams admins

teams automatically syncs users from the Google Workspace to its own database. Tenants can control which users that should be assigned the admin role in teams by creating a group called teams-admins@<tenant-domain>, and then add the necessary users to this group. When teams runs the user sync it will look for this group, and make sure that the users in the group are granted the admin role. Whenever a user is removed from the group, teams will revoke the admin role from the user on the next sync.

Users with the admin role in teams have access to some parts of teams that regular users does not. Some of these features are:

  • Configure / enable / disable reconcilers
  • Grant / revoke roles
  • Manipulate reconciler states for teams

Kubernetes group

In Google Admin create a group named gke-security-groups. This group is used to manage access to the kubernetes clusters, and will be managed by teams. Make sure the group has the View Members permission selected for Group Members.

Log location

Every project created in GCP will have a default log location for all logs. The default is Global. In order to keep your logs in europe, we strongly recommend setting the default log location to europe using the following command

gcloud alpha logging settings update --organization=<your org ID> --storage-location=europe-north1

Organization policy for location

Although all resources created by NAIS is located within the EU, teams are still able to create resources anywhere unless an organizational constraint is in place.

Click to see file content
constraint: constraints/gcp.resourceLocations
etag: BwVUSr8Q7Ng=
  - in:eu-locations
gcloud beta resource-manager org-policies set-policy --organization=<your org ID> <file name>.yaml

Run nais-terraform-modules

Before doing the following step, run the terraform setup.

Teams (part 2)

Configure OAuth login for web frontend

Set up an OAuth client for teams.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose project -> nais-management -> nais-management
  3. Go to APIs ans Service -> OAuth consent screen
  4. Internal -> create
    1. App name: nais management
    2. User support email: admin@<tenant-domain>
    3. Developer Contact email: admin@<tenant-domain>
  5. Save and continue (x2)
  6. Go to APIs ans Service -> Credentials
  7. Click Create Credentials -> OAuth client ID
  8. Select type Web Application
    1. Name: teams
    2. Authorized redirect URI: http://teams.<tenant-name>
  9. Set Name and Authorized redirect URIs
  10. Create
  11. Copy client id and secret and give to NAIS-team

Domain-wide Delegation

teams performs some operations on behalf of the teams user mentioned above. For this to work the teams service account needs domain-wide delegation with some scopes. This must be manually set up in the Google Admin console:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Add new to add a new Client ID
  3. Enter the ID of the teams service account (provided by the NAIS team)
  4. Add the following scopes:
  7. Click on Authorize

After this is done you should see something like the following:

Screenshot of the Domain-wide Delegation screen in the Google Admin console

Github Actions secrets

If you are using Github Actions to deploy your applications, you may want to add the following variable and secret to your organization's Github Actions secrets:


Name Type

These may also be set in the repository's secrets, but it is recommended to set them in the organization's secrets as they are shared between all teams.

The NAIS team will provide the values.