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Custom Domains

Nais comes with default domains and certificates for applications under the domain, but tenants can also use their own custom domains.

For Tenant

Requirements and Setup

  • A domain
  • A DNS provider that supports CNAME records

DNS Configuration

  1. Create a CNAME record for the domain pointing to one of existing environment domains.
*             CNAME <tenant>
*      CNAME internal.<tenant>
*         CNAME<tenant>
*  CNAME dev.<tenant>
  1. Provide the list of domains to the NAIS team.

For Nais

  1. Add the correct domain to the tenant in nais-terraform-modules under external_loadbalancers and internal_loadbalancers.
  external_loadbalancers = {
    "external" = {
      backends = [
          neg = "dev-external",
          domains = [
            { name = "", dns_zone =, subdomains = ["*"] },
            { name = "", dns = [], cert = ["auto_wc"], subdomains = ["*"] },
  • Provide the tenant with the ACME DNS challenge token for the domain. This is the custom_dns_authorizations output from terraform.

  • Add the domain to the environment in nais/doc.

  • Add the domain to the naiserator feature in Fasit.

  • Extra internal hosts and Extra external hosts in the naiserator feature in Fasit.

  • Ensure the DNS configuration is properly documented.

  • Verify that the custom domain is working as expected and that certificates are being provisioned correctly.