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Digdirator enabled

This is an optional addon in NaaS. It is not enabled by default.

Digdirator is a feature that integrates with Digdir self-service API. Digdirator enables automated registration and lifecycle management of ID-porten and Maskinporten clients.

Before Digdirator can use the self-service API, the tenant must receive administration clients from Digdir, one for each client type, Maskinporten and ID-porten. The Digdir self-service API is secured with oAuth2 using a business certificate.

An overview of the setup is as follows:

  • Clients exist in Digdir and a business certificate is configured
  • Clients are configured with scopes required
  • Add Client ID's to Secret Manager in your project
  • Add business certificate to Google Key Management Service in your project
  • Add business certificate certificate-chain to Secret Manager in your project

For Tenant


Digdir configuration

Recommended configuration for administration clients

To secure the integration with Digdir we recommend using a separate certificate for each registered client and that tenants request Digdir to lock each certificate to each client. If you already have a certificate for your clients, you can use that. As setup with these kinds of certificates is not part of this guide, we recommend that you contact Digdir for assistance.

Configure administration clients for ID-porten & Maskinporten
  • ID-porten client is configured with scopes: idporten:dcr.write
  • Maskinporten client is configured with scopes: idporten:dcr.write idporten:scopes.write
  • business certificates are registered in Digdir

Tenant imports the Client ID's to Secret Manager and provide the resource names to NAIS


Digdirator use of Client ID

Digdirator sets the Client ID as the claim iss when authenticating against Digdir self-service API

NAIS configuration

We really care about our compadres (tenants) and we think that a separation of concerns is a good & secure way to go. It also helps us to keep the cluster secure and stable. The configuration setup for Digdirator favor security as NAIS never have direct access to your business certificate.

When setup in Digdir is confirmed by tenant and before we can enable Digdirator, the following steps must be completed:

Business certificate
Update existing certificate

Update of a certificate only requires the tenant to provide NAIS with the new <version>

The tenant upload their business certificate to Google Cloud KMS. Digdirator will never have direct access to the certificate. Once it is uploaded the business certificate can only be used for cryptographic operations. The business certificate can never be downloaded or retrieved from the KMS storage.

An authenticated & authorized Digdirator can only request the Google KMS to sign a payload containing an unsigned token with claims, if successful the KMS returns a signed JWT, this JWT is later used to authenticate against Digdir self-service API.

Certificate is successfully uploaded to Google KMS, provide NAIS with the resource names


Certificate chain
Update existing certificate chain

This information unlikely to change, only if a new certificate type is added to the Google KMS. Then the tenant must provide the new resource name or <version> of the certificate chain.

Now your probably are wondering why another secret storage we already configured KMS?

Well, when authenticating using a buissness certificate the oauth2.0 spec recommends the certificate chain to be present in the token header.

The public certificate chain should be set to the x5c (X.509 certificate chain) header parameter, corresponding to the key used to digitally sign the JWS (JSON Web Signature).

Google Cloud Key Mangement Service is designed as a cryptographic system: nobody, including yourself, can get the keys out: this means they're locked inside the system, and you don't have to worry in practice about them leaking. The tradeoff is that the only thing you can do with those keys is encrypting, decrypt, and other cryptographic operations.

But when you do have configuration info like a certificate chain or a client-id, where your software actually needs the secret, not cryptographic operations, then Secret Manager is designed for that use case.

Certificate chains is successfully uploaded to Secret Manager, provide NAIS with the resource names


Example format of a certificate chain


When Digdirator is enabled, NAIS configures Digdirator with a service account which holds a set of roles to access Google Cloud KMS and Secret Manager in your cluster project.

To access Google KMS the service account is assigned the IAM role roles/cloudkms.signerVerifier, which enables sign, verify, and getPublicKey operations.

Google Cloud KMS roles

To access Secret Manager the service account is assigned the IAM role roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor which allows Digdirator to access the payload of secrets.

Google Secret Manager roles

NAIS will configure Digdirator with the information provided, you relax your cognitive load. Configure your NAIS application with ID-porten or Maskinporten, push code -> deploy.
NAIS handles the rest.

ID-porten sidecar

If you plan to use the ID-porten sidecar, prior to usage, the feature Wonderwall must be enabled.
Contact NAIS team for more information.

Summary of NAIS configuration

If we were to translate the above information required by NAIS to configure automated lifecycle of Digdir clients. Translated to yaml, it would look something like this

    key: "projects/123456789/locations/europe-north1/keyRings/nais-test/cryptoKeys/maskinporten-cert-chain/cryptoKeyVersions/1"
    client-id: "projects/123456789/secrets/maskinporten-client-id/versions/1"
    cert-cain: "projects/123456789/secrets/maskinporten-cert-chain/versions/1"
    key: "projects/123456789/locations/europe-north1/keyRings/nais-test/cryptoKeys/idporten-cert-chain/cryptoKeyVersions/1"
    client-id: "projects/123456789/secrets/idporten-client-id/versions/1"
    cert-cain: "projects/123456789/secrets/idporten-cert-chain/versions/1"

Import Certificates


gcloud CLI is installed and configured with a user that have access to the project.

Some configuration can be done in the Google Cloud Console, automatic wrap and import must be done with the gcloud CLI.

Google Cloud KMS

  1. Create a target key and key ring in your project
  2. Create a import job for the target key.
  3. Make an import request for key

  4. Wrap and import of key can be done in automatically or manually.

Google Secret Manager

  • Create a secret in your project